Your Guide to Food Stamp Minnesota: Applying and Benefits

Food Stamp Minnesota

The Food Stamp program, also known as the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP), is a food assistance program offered by the Minnesota Department of Human Services. It aims to provide nutrition assistance to individuals and families who are unable to afford food.

Eligibility for SNAP benefits in Minnesota is determined based on income guidelines and household size. The application process involves providing details about household income and expenses. Approved applicants receive benefits on an Electronic Benefit Transfer (EBT) card, which can be used to purchase eligible food items.

Applying for Food Stamp Minnesota can be done online or in-person, and it is important to ensure that all necessary documentation is submitted. Reporting any changes in household circumstances and renewing benefits as required is essential to maintain eligibility.

By participating in the Food Stamp Minnesota program, individuals and families gain access to nutritious food that helps improve their overall well-being.

Key Takeaways:

  • Food Stamp Minnesota, also known as SNAP, is a food assistance program administered by the Minnesota Department of Human Services.
  • Eligibility for SNAP benefits is determined based on income guidelines and household size.
  • Applying for Food Stamp Minnesota can be done online or in-person, and documentation is required.
  • Benefits are provided on an EBT card, which can be used to purchase eligible food items.
  • Reporting changes in household circumstances and renewing benefits as required is crucial to maintain eligibility.

Eligibility Requirements for SNAP in Minnesota

The eligibility requirements for the Food Stamp Minnesota program, also known as SNAP, are based on a combination of income and household size. To determine eligibility, the Minnesota Department of Human Services considers both gross and net income limits. Gross income includes any income received before deductions, while net income takes into account certain deductions and expenses.

For households without elderly or disabled members, the gross income limit is 165% of the federal poverty guidelines, and the net income limit is 100% of the federal poverty guidelines. However, households with elderly or disabled members have higher income limits. They can have a gross income of up to 200% of the federal poverty guidelines and a net income of up to 100% of the federal poverty guidelines.

Gross Income Limit Net Income Limit
Households without elderly or disabled members 165% of the federal poverty guidelines 100% of the federal poverty guidelines
Households with elderly or disabled members 200% of the federal poverty guidelines 100% of the federal poverty guidelines

In addition to income limits, certain deductions can be made to reduce the net income and increase eligibility. For example, households with dependent care costs or court-ordered child support payments may be eligible for deductions. These deductions, along with the household’s size and income, are considered in determining eligibility for SNAP benefits in Minnesota.

It is important to note that eligibility for SNAP benefits is not solely based on income. Some households may automatically qualify for SNAP benefits if they participate in other public assistance programs, such as General Assistance (GA) or Supplemental Security Income (SSI).

Applying for Food Stamp Minnesota

Applying for Food Stamp Minnesota is a straightforward process that can be done online or in person. If you prefer to apply online, you can visit the official website of the Minnesota Department of Human Services and complete the application form. The online application is convenient and allows you to submit the necessary documentation electronically. It’s important to provide accurate and up-to-date information to ensure a smooth application process.

If you prefer to apply in person, you can contact the Minnesota SNAP hotline to find out the location of your nearest county or tribal office. The staff at these offices can provide you with the application form and guide you through the process. Applying in person may be preferred if you have specific questions or need assistance with filling out the application.

Regardless of the method you choose, it’s crucial to have all the necessary documents ready when applying for Food Stamp Minnesota. These documents may include proof of income, proof of residency, and identification. Providing all required documentation will help expedite the processing of your application and ensure that you receive the benefits you are eligible for.

Remember, if you have any questions or need further assistance, you can always reach out to the Minnesota SNAP hotline. They are available to provide support and answer any inquiries you may have regarding the application process.

Understanding SNAP Benefits and the EBT Card

Snap benefits are an essential lifeline for individuals and families in Minnesota who struggle to afford food. Once approved for SNAP, beneficiaries receive their benefits on an Electronic Benefit Transfer (EBT) card. This card functions like a debit or credit card and can be used to purchase eligible food items from authorized stores and retailers. It provides a convenient and discreet way to access the benefits and ensure that households have access to nutritious food.

The amount of SNAP benefits a household receives is determined based on factors such as income and household size. The maximum benefit amount is determined by the Thrifty Food Plan, which is a chart that outlines the average amount of money that households with low income typically spend on food each month. The benefit amount is deposited onto the EBT card between the 4th and 13th of each month, based on the last digit of the case number. This predictable deposit schedule helps households plan and budget for their food expenses.

To give you a better idea of how SNAP benefits can assist households, here is a breakdown of the maximum monthly benefit amounts based on household size:

Household Size Maximum Monthly Benefit Amount
1 $204
2 $374
3 $535
4 $680

It’s important to note that these amounts are the maximum benefits. The actual benefit amount a household receives may be lower, depending on their income and other factors. Nevertheless, SNAP benefits go a long way in helping individuals and families meet their nutritional needs.

Reporting Changes and Renewing Food Stamp Benefits

Reporting changes and renewing your food stamp benefits are essential steps to ensure that you continue to receive the assistance you need through the Food Stamp Minnesota program. By promptly reporting any changes in your household composition, financial circumstances, or work status to the Minnesota Department of Human Services, you can ensure that your benefits are accurately calculated and adjusted to meet your needs.

Changes that should be reported include:

  • Changes in household members, such as someone moving in or out
  • Changes in income, such as a new job or loss of employment
  • Changes in expenses, such as an increase in rent or child care costs

It is important to report these changes within 10 days of their occurrence to avoid any potential issues with your benefits. Failure to report changes in a timely manner may result in overpayment or underpayment of benefits.

Additionally, renewing your food stamp benefits is necessary before the end of your certification period, which is typically 12 months for most households. You will receive renewal notifications by mail, and you may also have the option to renew benefits online using an MNBenefits account. It is important to carefully follow the instructions provided in the renewal notice to ensure that your benefits continue without interruption.

To summarize, reporting changes and renewing your food stamp benefits are crucial steps to ensure that your benefits accurately reflect your current circumstances. Promptly reporting changes and renewing benefits can help you maintain the assistance you need to access nutritious food for yourself and your family.

Lost or Stolen EBT Card and Eligible Purchases

If your Electronic Benefit Transfer (EBT) card is lost or stolen, it’s crucial to take immediate action to protect your benefits. Report the lost or stolen card by contacting the Minnesota EBT hotline at [EBT Hotline Phone Number]. By reporting the loss or theft, you can prevent unauthorized use of your benefits. Remember, any benefits that were improperly used cannot be recovered, so it’s essential to act quickly.

When using your EBT card, it’s important to know what purchases are eligible. The Food Stamp Minnesota program allows you to use your benefits to purchase a variety of eligible food items, including groceries, snacks, and seeds or plants that produce food. However, there are certain items that are prohibited from being purchased with SNAP benefits. These include alcohol, tobacco products, vitamins, live animals, and non-food household items.

“By reporting the loss or theft of your EBT card immediately, you can protect your benefits and prevent unauthorized use.”

It’s essential to be mindful of what you can and cannot purchase with your EBT card. By using your benefits responsibly and following the guidelines, you can ensure that your benefits are being used for their intended purpose – to provide you and your family with access to nutritious food.


  • If your EBT card is lost or stolen, report it immediately to the Minnesota EBT hotline to prevent unauthorized use.
  • EBT cards can be used to purchase eligible food items, including groceries, snacks, and seeds or plants that produce food.
  • Prohibited purchases include alcohol, tobacco products, vitamins, live animals, and non-food household items.
  • Use your benefits responsibly and follow the guidelines to ensure they are used for their intended purpose.


In conclusion, the Food Stamp Minnesota program, also known as SNAP, is a valuable resource for individuals and families who are struggling to afford food. By providing access to nutritious food, this program aims to improve the lives of those in need.

To qualify for SNAP benefits, applicants must meet eligibility requirements based on income and household size. Whether you choose to apply online or in-person, it is important to provide accurate information and submit all necessary documentation to support your application.

Once approved, beneficiaries receive benefits on an Electronic Benefit Transfer (EBT) card, which can be used to purchase eligible food items. It is essential to protect your EBT card and report any loss or theft immediately to prevent unauthorized use.

Remember to report any changes in your household circumstances and renew your benefits as required. This program is designed to provide ongoing support, so staying up-to-date and informed is crucial.


What is the Food Stamp program?

The Food Stamp program, also known as the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP), is designed to help individuals and families who cannot afford to pay for food.

How do I qualify for SNAP benefits in Minnesota?

To qualify for SNAP benefits in Minnesota, you need to meet certain eligibility requirements, including income guidelines. Some households may automatically qualify based on participation in other public assistance programs.

What is the application process for Food Stamp Minnesota?

The application process for Food Stamp Minnesota can be done online or in-person. Applying online is often the easiest and most convenient option, but applicants can also call the Minnesota SNAP hotline to find out how to apply in person.

How are SNAP benefits provided?

SNAP benefits are provided on an Electronic Benefit Transfer (EBT) card, which can be used to purchase eligible food items at authorized stores and retailers.

What should I do if there are changes in my household or income?

It is important to report any changes in household composition, financial circumstances, or work status to the Minnesota Department of Human Services. Most changes need to be reported within 10 days of their occurrence.

What should I do if my EBT card is lost or stolen?

If your EBT card is lost or stolen, it is crucial to report it immediately to the Minnesota EBT hotline to prevent unauthorized use. The card can be replaced, but any benefits that were improperly used cannot be recovered.

What can I purchase with SNAP benefits?

SNAP benefits can be used to purchase eligible food items, including groceries, snacks, and seeds or plants that produce food. However, certain items such as alcohol, tobacco products, vitamins, live animals, and non-food household items are prohibited from being purchased with SNAP benefits.

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